What makes a Happy Client? by Joe Cignetti

Providing outstanding customer service is vital for any business to thrive.

I believe consistency is the key. However, at times we may have things going on in our personal or work life that affects us providing the level of customer service to which we aspire.

Personally, I love watching, listening, and taking note, as to how others and I are treated in stores. I am constantly amazed at how service in many areas has become a dying art.

So, I ask myself the question…

“What do I want when I walk into a store or am being served?”

1. Someone to say “Hi”. Just an acknowledgment. I don’t care how busy anyone is, you can always look up and say “Hello, I will be with you shortly.”

I dislike eye averting and being ignored. A simple greeting to acknowledge they have seen me is all I need.

2. Listen to me, even if I have a complaint, be empathetic and understanding.

If you fix my problem, you have me for life.

3. Make the client the focus of your attention. There is nothing worse than you half talking to me while you are still having a laugh with your coworker.

This happened to me on Sunday at a paint store. I just wanted a sample pot, however the server wanted to say goodbye to his coworker who was finishing a shift. They both cross-checked their phones to see what shifts they would have together next week! That is not great service!

4. Seek feedback: Encourage customers to provide feedback on their experiences with your business. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes.

I personally love to give feedback. I will always give good feedback if it’s warranted however, I am lazy at giving negative feedback and just don’t go back.

5. I like being called by my name. This makes me feel comfortable and welcome, especially in new surroundings.

Don’t call me Ma’am or Madam. Unfortunately, this does happen when you hit your 40’s.

6. I like to know what sits on shelves. I like to know what you’re using in my hair and why. I like information.

I will also buy a product if you give me a good reason why I need it.

7. Small gestures like offering me a seat, a magazine, a beverage, or if you see me struggling with the towel around my neck, please help me.

It’s all these little things that set you apart from your competitors.

I encourage every team member to come in and be a client in their salon and just be present and watch what happens around them.

When you sit in a salon for 3 hours having a service you see a lot…….