PODCAST: “How to Create Raving Fans” by Josh Nichols” by Joe Cignetti

What is the WHY that will make you move heaven and earth, to get you to where you need to go?

We need to embrace the core culture of a business, living and breathing its ethos every day. There are two key factors which often stand out for employees: achieving a harmonious work-life balance and attaining financial freedom. As a leader and mentor, it’s crucial to contemplate the type of impact you want to have. Remember, the culture of a company always originates from its leadership.

Consider aspects like diet, exercise, and faith—they all contribute to fostering passion. Continuous education fuels personal and professional growth, while accountability ensures you maintain a competitive edge. Setting clear, goals—from long-term visions to short-term objectives—provides a roadmap for success. Ultimately, the business reflects its owner.

In the podcast, an electrical company shares invaluable insights on cultivating loyal customers who not only choose your business but also stay with you indefinitely, becoming brand ambassadors in the process.

By fostering momentum and sustainable growth, you can gradually reduce reliance on advertising while enhancing profitability. Achieving a business that operates smoothly even without your direct involvement is a milestone that may take time to comprehend fully.

Understanding the essence of business growth reveals that it all starts with culture, cascading down from the leadership team. Embrace the lessons learned from humble beginnings and strive to create a business ethos that resonates with everyone. Regardless of your long-term goals, the core culture of a business is paramount to success.

Passion and enthusiasm in leadership, creates passion and enthusiasm within your team, which in turn is experienced by your clientele. Your vision defines not only who you are but also where you’re headed. Prioritize creating smiles and unforgettable moments, as these are the catalysts for profitability. Your product may be excellent, but it’s the pre, during, and post-service interactions that truly differentiate you.

There are ten core values to consider for success

  1. Creating a wow experience.
  2. Uphold honesty and integrity
  3. Healthy work-life balance.
  4. Passionate about excellence
  5. Pursue personal growth and learning (the more your business will grow).
  6. Have fun and smile.
  7. Communication that builds relationships.
  8. Being generous and helping others in need. The better we grow, the more generous we can be.
  9. Have a go, make a call. Encourage your team to make the decision. Staff needs to have a make-it-happen attitude.
  10. Remain humble and keep humility to remain teachable.

True success lies in how you deliver your service—the essence of customer service. Cultivate raving fans by consistently exceeding expectations and leaving a lasting impression at every touchpoint.

Reflect on your ‘why’—the driving force behind your dedication to customer service.