Why You Should Be on LinkedIn and the Benefits as a Business Owner After gathering more information, I realised that I also need to make more of a presence on LinkedIn By Joe Cignetti

Imagine unlocking a world where every connection you make, every piece of content you share, and every interaction you have brings you one step closer to your business goals. This isn’t a dream; it’s LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the platform that revolutionizes how business owners like you connect, market, and grow. LinkedIn is your golden ticket […]

Why a Salon Owner Needs a Mentor By Joe Cignetti

At the beginning of 2024 I took on a mentor, I have had them in the past and I believe it has given me valuable assistance along the way. Its easy to get overwhelmed or lost in your business and here’s some points on why I believe its important.   Mentors Have Greater Experience and […]

8 Effective Strategies to Reduce Costs in Your Hair Salon Maximize Your Profits with Smart Cost-Cutting Tips By Joe Cignetti

Introduction Running a hair salon is a labour of love, but it also comes with significant operational costs. By implementing smart, cost-cutting strategies, you can maintain high service standards while maximizing your profits. This eBook provides ten actionable strategies designed to help you reduce costs in your hair salon without sacrificing quality. Optimize Scheduling Making […]

Mastering Gray Coverage with G.O.D. Gray Oxidizing Drops by Joe Cignetti

Welcome to the ultimate guide on achieving flawless grey coverage using G.O.D. Gray Oxidizing Drops. If you’ve struggled with resistant grey hair, this post is for you. Discover the secrets behind perfect grey coverage that professional stylists swear by! Why Choose G.O.D. Gray Oxidizing Drops? G.O.D. Gray Oxidizing Drops are your go-to solution for: Complete […]

Why Brand Your Salon? by Joe Cignetti

Most salons do a great job showcasing their colour and retail companies but tend to overlook themselves. As a result they find themselves the least represented in their own environment and this all relates back to a lack of branding. Large companies spend a great deal of money on branding so they stand out in […]

6 Mistakes to avoid when building a website by Joe Cignetti

1.Lack of Clear Purpose: One of the most common mistakes small businesses make on their websites is failing to communicate a clear When visitors land on your site, they should immediately understand what your business is about and how it can benefit them. A clear purpose helps in establishing credibility and engages visitors from the […]

Here are 17 key points to think about when opening a salon by Joe Cignetti

Setting up a hairdressing salon requires careful planning and investment in the right equipment. By choosing high-quality, functional equipment and creating a welcoming atmosphere, you can create a successful salon that attracts and retains clients.   1.Hairdressing Chairs: Hairdressing chairs are the centre piece of any salon. They should not only be comfortable for clients […]